CA Foundation Exam updates

CA Foundation Exam Fee Refund in Case of Exam Postponement: Understanding the Policy

CA Foundation Exam Fee Refund in Case of Exam Postponement: Understanding the Policy

Introduction: The CA Foundation exam is a significant milestone for aspiring Chartered Accountants. Candidates often have concerns regarding the refund of exam fees if the exam is postponed. In this blog, we will explore the policy regarding CA Foundation exam fee refunds in the event of exam postponement. Exam Postponement and Fee Refund: When it …

CA Foundation Exam Fee Refund in Case of Exam Postponement: Understanding the Policy Read More »

Relaxation in CA Foundation Exam Passing Criteria for Repeater Candidates: Exploring the Guidelines

Relaxation in CA Foundation Exam Passing Criteria for Repeater Candidates: Exploring the Guidelines

Introduction: The CA Foundation exam serves as a crucial milestone in the journey to becoming a Chartered Accountant. For candidates who are retaking the exam, often referred to as repeater candidates, questions may arise regarding any relaxation in the passing criteria. In this blog, we will explore the guidelines pertaining to relaxation in the CA …

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